Less than 300 miles away, a hotel room in the centre of Prague, the capital city of the Czech Republic where Mozart once resided, was the dwelling of Bernt and Lisl Froelicher. Father and daughter, they were staying in the city having travelled from Germany to learn all about the culture of a place they […]

Ever wondered why, despite the dazzling lights and the clinking of coins, the house always seems to have an edge at the casino? Well, strap in, because you’re about to embark on a thrilling journey into the world of casino odds. Whether you’re a casual visitor to the world of gambling or someone who dreams […]

For the majority of people who do not have any experience or exposure into the world of poker,  the first thing they associate poker with is gambling and the depravity which surrounds that world. And sadly, this association is unlikely to ever change. Enthusiasts familiar with the card game could successfully argue that poker is […]