The tale of Andy Beal, a Dallas-based billionaire with ventures spanning banking, real estate, and notably, high-stakes poker, embodies a journey of intellect, strategy, and risk unlike any other. Beal’s foray into the world of professional poker in the early 2000s wasn’t just a diversion of a wealthy individual; it was a calculated challenge to […]

Have you ever strolled into a poker room, glimpsing a scene straight from a Hollywood movie, then suddenly realized the minimum buy-in was the same as your car payment? Well, my friends, if you answered yes, then you’re in the right place. Welcome to the exciting world of low stakes poker! Now, don’t let the […]

My Introduction to Poker I was introduced to poker much the same way many people my age did back in the early 2000s, the same combination of things that led to the poker boom at the time: TV, movies, and Moneymaker.  The 1998 movie Rounders with it’s fantastic storytelling and characters introduced us to the […]