Have you ever been sitting at the poker table, staring at your opponent, and asked yourself: what’s going on behind those mirrored sunglasses? Well, strap in and grab your favorite beverage, because today we’re going on a joyride through the twists and turns of fold equity, a poker strategy so versatile, it’ll have your opponents […]

The year is 1973 and the poker world is about to witness a revolution spearheaded by none other than the visionary Eric Drache. Born in 1943, this man is not just accomplished at the poker table but also a visionary who reshaped the very foundations of the poker industry. But let’s not get ahead of […]

What separates an excellent poker player from a novice? Is it pure luck or a mysterious sixth sense? Far from it. Like any mind sport, poker is a battlefield of wit, strategy, and mental endurance. Just as you wouldn’t run a marathon without training, succeeding in poker requires sharpening your mental prowess. But the fascinating […]

GGPoker & Poker After Dark’s Revolutionary Game Of Gold Show Earns Wide-Spread Acclaim Ground-breaking twelve-episode series combines survival reality TV and exciting high-stakes poker action Five episodes into its twelve-episode run, GGPoker & Poker After Dark’s Game of Gold has already cemented itself as one of the best poker shows ever, earning plaudits across the […]

Are you a seasoned card shark swimming the great sea of felt-topped tables, or a novice, yet bold enough to dive into the thrilling world of poker? Whoever you may be, every so often, you might find yourself questioning your progress. Wondering, “How can I improve my game? How do I keep track of my […]

Alright, buckle up my thrill-seeking comrades, we’re about to dive headfirst into the exhilarating realm of “hero calls”. You know, the sort of heart-thumping decisions that can bring either ignominious defeat or the sweet taste of triumph on the turn of a single card. The Anatomy of a Hero Call Every grand endeavor begins with […]

You’re seated at a poker table, surrounded by a group of shrewd opponents, each one wearing a poker face as impenetrable as a brick wall. Your heart races as you assess your hand, but you know that there’s more to poker than just the cards. Poker table talk, the art of conversation during gameplay, can […]

Is there a more delightfully deceptive game than poker? Originating from the murky smoky riverboats of the Mississippi, poker has always been associated with a certain mystique, a certain… art of deception. And why not? After all, the iconic phrase “poker face” didn’t originate in a pop song, it stemmed from the very essence of […]

Do you ever feel like you’re in a high-stakes James Bond film, and every time you bluff, you’re basically Daniel Craig with a smirk? No? Just me? Alright then. Let’s get to business. The triple barrel bluff, the pièce de résistance of your poker playbook, is like a three-course meal, where each barrel (or bet) […]