In the world of poker, where tales of remarkable plays and extraordinary personalities abound, the story of Lukas Robinson, affectionately known as “RobinPoker,” stands out as a beacon of inspiration and determination. As someone who has seen the poker world from all angles, I can assure you, Lukas’ journey is not just a story of […]

A professional poker player is a player who can pay either all or the majority of their bills and expenses with their winnings from the poker table. For this reason, many of the best and most intelligent professional poker players have realized the need to create multiple income streams from the game. These players supplement […]

Occasionally it becomes necessary to do some ‘house cleaning’; however, as we are all aware, it is imperative to remember our roots. One of the steps to achieving this goal is to tidy up the blog. We decided that instead of removing and deleting older posts, we would combine and republish the old posts, keeping […]