Have you ever found yourself at a poker table, feeling the intensity of the gaze of your opponents, sensing the weight of the chips, and smelling the faint hint of aged felt? If so, you know that poker isn’t just a game; it’s an experience. But how do top players share these incredible experiences, and […]

Peter Serf looked directly at Dimitar, who shuffled on his feet. He looked like he was holding onto a secret that was too hot to remain in his grasp.  ‘You want to tell them, or shall I!?’ said Peter, his gun pointing at Dimitar’s chest. Both Ivan and Sofia looked utterly perplexed.   ‘Your friend here, […]

Both of them stopped and stared at their phone screens. Below the creepy message was a link, presumably to download an app. Sofia went to flick it open.  ‘Wait, is that safe?’  ‘Dad, this is hardly the time to worry about Malware.’  Sofia clicked the app and a spinning wheel of doom loomed into view, […]

One thing you’ll learn after playing a ton of poker is that it doesn’t just refer to Texas Hold’em. It has so many variations, allowing it to appeal to a much wider audience. Hold’em is the standard, perfect for those who love the fast pace and aggression involved. Omaha allows players to enjoy slower, more […]

‘Elena!’ Sofia cried, dropping to the floor, cradling Elena’s head in her hands. There was blood staining the lower half of Elena’s white crop top. The dark maroon liquid was barely being stemmed by her hand, which was pressed hard to her side. She spoke in a croak that sounded like it hurt to leave […]

Even if you’re not an avid gambler, it’s hard not to be awed by some of the casinos around the world. These luxury resorts have become iconic for their massive scale, stunning designs, or other unique attractions. If you’re interested in learning more about one of these casinos, you’re in luck. Today, we’ll look at […]

Bluffing is, by far and away, the most iconic and exciting part of poker. Great bluffs appear in every depiction of the game, from TV shows like Poker After Dark to Hollywood movies like Casino Royale and Rounders. There’s no better feeling than a well-executed bluff, and the technique has been in the game since […]

The next morning, Sofia arrived at Saskia’s salon feeling like she had stepped from one world into another. The neon of Glitter and the gloom of the Serfs from the night before had been replaced by bright daylight. Sun streamed through the windows into Saskia’s salon. Mercifully, it was empty, so Sofia accepted a cup […]

I started playing poker in 2018 and began streaming on Twitch in 2021 under the name “UnleqitPsycho”. Hailing from Cologne, Germany, I am currently 22 years old and I love playing poker. I usually play Multi Table Tournaments in the low- to mid-stakes range and was looking for a challenge. In collaboration with my stream, […]

‘What are you doing here?’ Sofia asked Peter Serf over the din of the music. The nightclub was at its most raucous, the midnight hour aglow with neon lights that seemed to be amplified by the reflections from the mirrored walls. Loud dance music thumped from the speakers that were dotted around the dance floor. […]

‘It’s never easy to win a game of heads-up poker.’ Ivan Angelov slurred. He had way more chips than Dimitar, but the bouncer and barman seemed to grow in the jacket he had been wearing since the sixth level of play. At his side, Elena smiled encouragingly at him. She had only been dancing at […]

The players who had been sitting at the poker table jumped out of their seats as the explosion of gunfire filled the large room with a deafening noise. Sofia looked up in the direction of the blast to see one of the waitresses from Glitter in the doorway holding a long black rifle, the smoke […]