When it comes to the game of poker, Edmond Hoyle’s influence is as unmistakable as a royal flush. Though poker as we know it today evolved after Hoyle’s time, his principles and philosophies laid the groundwork for the game’s development. Let’s dive into the world of poker and uncover how Hoyle’s touch shaped this iconic […]

Welcome to the world of poker, where not all is as it seems. Today, we’re not just talking about the cards in your hand; we’re delving into the unseen, yet powerful, world of intuition. Have you ever felt that unexplainable nudge during a game, guiding your decisions? That’s your experience and practice speaking through intuition, […]

Ever sat down at a poker table and wondered, “How did we get here?” No, I’m not talking about that existential crisis you had after losing a big hand. I’m talking about the intricate dance of strategy that unfolds every time the cards are dealt. From it’s humble beginnings, poker has transformed into a global […]

So, you’ve decided to venture into the world of Razz Poker, have you? Well, buckle up, because this is going to be a wild ride! Razz, also known as Seven Card Stud Low, is a game that’s as thrilling as it is challenging. But don’t worry, dear reader, I’ve got your back. In this beginner’s […]

Seven-Card Stud, the classic poker game that will have you channeling your inner Chip Reese, is a thrilling and strategic form of poker that’s been played in saloons and casinos for over a century. Whether you’re a complete novice or a Texas Hold’em veteran looking to expand your repertoire, this comprehensive beginner’s guide will take […]

Peter Serf looked directly at Dimitar, who shuffled on his feet. He looked like he was holding onto a secret that was too hot to remain in his grasp.  ‘You want to tell them, or shall I!?’ said Peter, his gun pointing at Dimitar’s chest. Both Ivan and Sofia looked utterly perplexed.   ‘Your friend here, […]

Both of them stopped and stared at their phone screens. Below the creepy message was a link, presumably to download an app. Sofia went to flick it open.  ‘Wait, is that safe?’  ‘Dad, this is hardly the time to worry about Malware.’  Sofia clicked the app and a spinning wheel of doom loomed into view, […]

‘Elena!’ Sofia cried, dropping to the floor, cradling Elena’s head in her hands. There was blood staining the lower half of Elena’s white crop top. The dark maroon liquid was barely being stemmed by her hand, which was pressed hard to her side. She spoke in a croak that sounded like it hurt to leave […]

Once upon a time, in the card-fuelled, poorly lit saloons of the Wild West, poker was a straightforward game. A straight beat a flush, and a full house could buy a full saloon. But as the dust of those simple times settled, poker evolved into an intricate dance of strategy, bravado, and sheer wit. Today, […]

Poker, a game requiring a unique blend of skill and luck, is fraught with unpredictable shifts, known as poker downswings. These downturns can severely test the emotional resilience and mental strength of both novice and veteran players. A downswing can dampen spirits, erode self-assurance, and provoke emotional turbulence that may directly impact game performance. In […]

The next morning, Sofia arrived at Saskia’s salon feeling like she had stepped from one world into another. The neon of Glitter and the gloom of the Serfs from the night before had been replaced by bright daylight. Sun streamed through the windows into Saskia’s salon. Mercifully, it was empty, so Sofia accepted a cup […]