Dimitar wanted to get on his motorbike and ride to Austria. He could have used the journey to clear some of the fog from his mind. But instead, he did what Sofia said. He took the charity from Sofia’s father, Ivan Angelov, for a flight and hotel room in Vienna. That was why he found […]

‘It’s never easy to win a game of heads-up poker.’ Ivan Angelov slurred. He had way more chips than Dimitar, but the bouncer and barman seemed to grow in the jacket he had been wearing since the sixth level of play. At his side, Elena smiled encouragingly at him. She had only been dancing at […]

The start of the weekly poker tournament at Ivan Angelov’s mansion was always a busy one. Players often went on the attack in the first couple of hours, knowing that they could rebuy and enjoy the atmosphere and free drinks that their host always provided. He loved it too. Angelov may not have been liked […]

A day later, the stage was set. The sun was dying in the sky when the dozen players arrived at the Angelov mansion. Sofia had spent the day thinking a lot about the death of Georgi. There was no random element to his death. He was a strong swimmer. He worked deep in the city, […]

Touching down in Bulgaria was always a routine that Sofia enjoyed. For one thing, she was landing in Sofia, the city after which she was named. When she was a child, it was all anyone talked about; her father’s relentless business drive and how he named his daughter after the city he hoped to one […]