Ever been at a poker table, fingers itching, heart racing, wondering if the next card could be your ticket to victory or doom? Well, my friend, you’re not alone. Every poker player, from the greenest newbie to the seasoned pro, has been there. And the key to navigating these treacherous waters? Understanding and counting your […]

Oh, the vibrant world of mixed poker games, where the thrill of the gamble meets the artistry of strategy! It’s a place where the wise and the witty gather around the green felt, ready to embark on a journey of bluffs, bets, and brilliant victories. But how does one navigate this exhilarating landscape with finesse […]

Have you ever sat by a blazing campfire, staring into the embers, as the nocturnal symphony of the wild serenades your senses? Suddenly, a tall figure with piercing eyes, a hawk-like nose, and a pair of six-shooters strapped around his waist emerges from the gloom. This isn’t a ghost story but an invitation into the […]

Texas Hold’em is the most popular poker variant in the world, and for good reason. It’s a perfect balance between being easy to learn and hard to master, so it appeals to a broad audience. However, playing any form of poker can feel monotonous over time; when that happens, you might not know what to […]

If you’ve been playing only Texas Hold’em for a while, you might want to switch things up. Hold’em’s reputation as the number one way to play is deserved, but you don’t need to limit yourself to one form of poker. There are many other options out there that may be more appealing. Today, we’ll discuss […]

Badugi, Badeucy, and Badacy If you’ve only played Texas Hold’em for your entire poker career, you’re missing out. Different poker variants can provide a breath of fresh air from Hold’em, sporting all-new mechanics, and rules. Who knows, maybe you’ll even like variants like Omaha more than Hold’em if you give them a try! Now, if […]

There are a lot of different ways to play poker. Texas Hold’em is the most popular variant by a mile, but there are other alternatives like Seven Card Stud and Omaha. There are even options beyond those such as Razz, Badugi, and Pineapple. The sheer number of poker variants out there allows the game to […]

Poker’s rich history and strategic depth combine to give it a thrilling competitive scene. Competition in poker is a core part of the game and various legends have left their marks throughout history. These players have undoubtedly, in one way or another, changed the game, not just from their tournament wins but also from their […]