Ever been at a poker table, fingers itching, heart racing, wondering if the next card could be your ticket to victory or doom? Well, my friend, you’re not alone. Every poker player, from the greenest newbie to the seasoned pro, has been there. And the key to navigating these treacherous waters? Understanding and counting your […]

As pundits try to perfect their poker games, the apprentice ponders and practices while probing knowledge and pursuing the purest play. Just as the history of poker, a game that has captured the hearts and attention of players for centuries, has changed over the years, so has the language used by the most informed and […]

Poker is a popular game for many reasons. It is simple to learn, can be played by people of all skill levels and can be played at any stakes. An important point to remember about poker is that it is not a game of chance. Despite having an element of luck, it is not defined […]

Here’s your one-stop-shop for poker terms and table spiel. An entire glossary of all the well-known phrases, puns and names required to see you through to the final table. Ace high   One of the hole cards is an ace. Act To make a play (bet, call, raise, or fold) at the required time. Action A […]