You know, there’s a reason they say poker is not a game for the faint-hearted. Ever heard of “Fortune favors the brave”? Well, let’s twist it a bit for our purpose: “Fortune favors the aggressive poker player.” Wait, wait! Before you start thinking that I’m advising you to start yelling and flipping tables, let me […]

Have you ever considered poker as a rhythmic dance, a symphony of strategies echoing in every corner of the green felt? If you’re reading this, there’s a good chance that you might. Or, perhaps you’re still missing that electrifying thrill that comes when timing, position, and strategy fuse into one harmonious ensemble. Fear not, intrepid […]

Ever sat at a poker table, staring down your opponent, wondering if they’re bluffing? Or perhaps you’ve been in a situation where you’ve made a bet, only to be met with a raise, and you’re left scratching your head? Well, my friend, welcome to the world of continuation betting! But what is it, and how […]

The title of this article implies that you are already a tournament player who understands the difference between cash games and tournament poker. You are here to discover ways to improve and achieve the ultimate goal of winning in tournament poker. So, if you are new to multi-table tournaments (MTT) poker or have been playing […]