Navigating the tumultuous seas of large field multi-table tournaments (MTTs) can feel like an odyssey reserved for the bravest of poker warriors. These events, teeming with hopeful contenders, offer the tantalizing lure of substantial rewards for those skilled (and lucky) enough to outlast the competition. Let’s embark on a strategic journey through the complex landscape […]

John Hennigan’s journey from the pool halls to the high-stakes poker tables is a testament to the strategic overlap between the two games. In the world of pool, Hennigan was celebrated for his extraordinary strategic foresight, an ability to plan several moves ahead and anticipate his opponent’s strategy. This skill set proved invaluable when he […]

Welcome to the world of poker, where not all is as it seems. Today, we’re not just talking about the cards in your hand; we’re delving into the unseen, yet powerful, world of intuition. Have you ever felt that unexplainable nudge during a game, guiding your decisions? That’s your experience and practice speaking through intuition, […]

Are you inquisitive about the fascinating world of poker? Ever wondered what separates the fish from the sharks in this dynamic arena? Ah, the answer is hidden in the metagame – a concept shrouded in mystery for most, yet the holy grail for seasoned players. Don’t worry; we’ll help decode some of this enigma right […]

Ever found yourself gasping at a poker game, your palms sweaty, heart pounding, as you watched your fortune swept away by a seemingly mystical force of a cooler? If so, you’re not alone. Most poker enthusiasts have experienced this kind of high-stakes stress at some point. But what if I told you there’s a way […]

Variance in poker is a factor that can not be ignored. While a miniscule quantity of poker players will never experience it, for the majority of us mortals variance is something that needs to be considered. You should expect to lose most of the poker games you are going to register for. Poker is a […]