Ever wondered why some poker players seem to have a Midas touch, turning every hand into gold, while others can’t catch a break? Well, spoiler alert: it’s not all about luck. It’s about discipline. And if you’re thinking, “Discipline? Isn’t that what my gym instructor yells about during a grueling workout session?” Well, yes, but […]

Do you ever have that recurring dream where you’re soaring through azure skies, expertly navigating the wind currents, free as a bird? Then, abruptly, you transform into a salmon swimming upstream, fighting the torrent with sheer tenacity. A bit surreal, isn’t it? Well, welcome to the dynamic world of poker, where the only constant is […]

Welcome to the world of poker, where not all is as it seems. Today, we’re not just talking about the cards in your hand; we’re delving into the unseen, yet powerful, world of intuition. Have you ever felt that unexplainable nudge during a game, guiding your decisions? That’s your experience and practice speaking through intuition, […]

Can you sense it permeating through the very fibers of your being? It’s not just a game, but a pulsating symphony that echoes within the very marrow of those who dare to play — it’s the exuberant rush, the ecstatic dance of mind and chance that we call poker. Picture it, my dear friend: the […]

Once you have played poker long enough, particularly at micro or low buy-in stakes, you will come across a player who, for whatever reason, wants to try and bluff at every other pot. We call this type of player a ‘maniac’ or ‘aggro fish.’ To be able to properly defend against this type of player […]

Who Am I? Hi! I’m FORTUNA. I live in Middle East Germany and am turning 20 years old. My poker career is just starting but thought you would enjoy stories from my first poker experiences.  My first poker experience was when I joined my friends at one of their home poker games. I enjoyed the […]