Oh, the exhilarating world of poker! A realm where the mind dances between the realms of strategy and serendipity, constantly flirting with the tantalizing possibility of victory. But let’s not get carried away just yet. Before you start envisioning yourself as the next poker maestro, let’s embark on a journey of cultivating a growth mindset […]

The psychology of poker is a complex and multifaceted subject. It involves not only understanding one’s own mental and emotional states, but also the states of your opponents. In order to be a successful poker player, it’s important to have a strong understanding of the psychological factors that can influence, and how they influence, the […]

When you first start playing poker as a hobby, you do not give much thought to the money you are using for your starting cash. This doesn’t mean you do not want to win, just that most people see the money as being used for entertainment. As you become more serious about the game and […]

Variance in poker is a factor that can not be ignored. While a miniscule quantity of poker players will never experience it, for the majority of us mortals variance is something that needs to be considered. You should expect to lose most of the poker games you are going to register for. Poker is a […]

Poker Expected Value (EV): A Guide for Beginners During your time at the poker tables, after you have been playing long enough, you will eventually hear someone mention EV.  But what is this “EV” and why should it matter to you? Simply stated, EV, or Expected Value, is a term used in poker to refer […]