Oh, the tantalizing game of poker, where every card holds a secret and every player is a storyteller, weaving narratives with their bets, bluffs, and bravado. But what if I told you that there’s a way to peek inside the chapters of your opponent’s story, to get a glimpse of the plot twists before they […]

Beat your Opponent: Part 2 – The Loose-Aggressive Player On a wonderful and relaxed Saturday, you decide to play in poker and jump into the action in the GGMasters Bounty $105. You find your opponents to be all very loose and very aggressive. Many of your openings see action, and the villains are fighting for […]

Beat your Opponent: Part 1-The Calling Station You are playing poker in the GGMasters $25 Double Stack, and your opponent is never folding. How do you handle this type of opponent? Do you keep betting? What if your opponent plays a ridiculously wide preflop range? How do you adjust to this style of poker? Let’s […]

Poker Expected Value (EV): A Guide for Beginners During your time at the poker tables, after you have been playing long enough, you will eventually hear someone mention EV.  But what is this “EV” and why should it matter to you? Simply stated, EV, or Expected Value, is a term used in poker to refer […]