Ever sat at a poker table, staring down your opponent, wondering if you should call that big bet with a drawing hand? Well, my friend, you’ve just stumbled upon the world of implied odds. But what are they? And how can they turn your poker game from “meh” to “marvelous”? Let’s dive in! /*! elementor […]

The game of poker has come a long way since the Wild West when cards were played in smoke-filled rooms with pistols around the waist in case someone was cheating. Back then catching a cheater triggered a gunshot. Thankfully these days we look to catch gutshots. But how profitable is the chase with low equity […]

About Domink Nitsche Dominik Nitsche has earned almost $19.5 million US dollars playing poker games in live poker tournaments, placing him fifth on the German all-time money list. He has won a World Poker Tour Main Event, and four World Series of Poker bracelets, including the €111,111 buy-in 2017 High Roller for One Drop (WSOP-E […]

Poker Expected Value (EV): A Guide for Beginners During your time at the poker tables, after you have been playing long enough, you will eventually hear someone mention EV.  But what is this “EV” and why should it matter to you? Simply stated, EV, or Expected Value, is a term used in poker to refer […]